Thursday, April 9, 2009

White S_x - Lacking _ffense.

F_r a team that was trying t_ c_me int_ the seas_n balanced with speed and p_wer, the S_x sure have struggled to sc_re runs in the first three games!

Game 1 - Bef_re Th_me's h_me run in the 8th inning, we managed _nly 1 run, including 5 straight sc_reless innings.

Game 2 - Shut_ut by Zack Greinke.

Game 3 - Managed _nly 1 run after being held sc_reless thr_ugh the first 8 innings.


2j said...

It was meant to be annoying to have no letter "O" in my post.

DC said...

I'm willing to chalk up the lack of offense to some mitigating factors:

-cold weather favors pitching (you'll notice the Sox pitching was stellar as well)
- the Royals starting rotation was as advertised so far, they'll be even more solid when they get Bannister in the 5 spot...and Soria we all know was good.

That being said, it kills me to waste two fabulous starts by our best two starters, Danks and Floyd, because we cannot put some runs on the board. Something has to change in the offense soon, we can't continue hanging our staff out to dry like that.

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